Policy recommendation for accessible textile labels

Policy recommendation for accessible textile labels


To elaborate policy recommendations on the accessibility of textile labelling for EU policy makers of the European textile regulation.


Review of 30 European regulations and specific studies related to the textile industry, eco-design, labelling, environment, disability and accessibility.
Conducting workshops with stakeholders to co-design and validate proposals.
Research into accessible technologies and services available on the market.
Collaboration agreement with ONCE Foundation.
Design and testing of labels and marks.
Standardisation of contents and drafting the recommendations.
Europe has indicated that accessibility is a key point in the revision of the regulation on textile labelling that will be carried out in the near future.


Definition of accessibility standards for textile labelling within the European Union.
Document send directly to Eu Policies, Answer: Accessibility it’s a key issue inside the Textile lable regulation
Collaborating with EU policy makers in the review of the new textile regulation.

#TextileLabels #Accessibility #Policy